Toozeday Nooze

Toozeday Nooze
EDITION 513 - 04/23/2024

This Saturday's presentation will be on "Identifying the Early Three Cent 19th Century Stamps and Covers" by Joe Johnson. This will include #'s 10,10A,11,11A,25,25A,26, 26A,64,65, 79,82,83,85,85C,88&94. Identification will be done by variety, color, date and quality of printing. Many examples of several of the varieties listed will be shown to assist in your identification. This will be a "hands on" presentation and all participants are encouraged to bring their own material for identification.
The St. Cloud Stamp Club had a stamp show last weekend which was their first show in a decade. I attended and it was nice smaller show. I like to think new friendships were made and I hope they don't wait another decade to do it again.
I would like to apologize to the Minnesota Postal History Society for leaving them out of the Nooze this month. I often prepare several weeks or even the entire month at one time. I did not get news of the date they were meeting until April 8th, and I did not go back to do any editing until it was too late. It may be a lousy excuse but as the weather gets better, I spend a lot less time indoors in front of my computer. It is likely that I will make this mistake again when I get changes to the schedule after the first of the month.
Stay tuned for events to be posted in the newly remodeled space at the library as it nears completion.
My cover this week is a stampless folded letter that was sent from Providence, Rhode Island to New York by the Overton & Company City Mail service. The Overton & Company service lasted about one year. Covers carried by them are scarce. The date sent was February 20, 1845. The rate was six cents.
I received lots of positive feedback on last week's cover. I always appreciate that and thank those of you that gave me the kind comments.
If you have anything that you want shared let me know at

Upcoming Events:

Date and Time Last Saturday of the Month
Event Upcoming Library Programs
Location Northern Philatelic Center, 1110 Lowry Ave. No. Minneapolis, MN
April 27, 2024, 11:00 AM Presentation by Joe Johnson on Identifying Colors on Stamps and Covers of the 19th Century.
Date and Time Wednesday 24, April 2024 at 10:00 a.m. to Noon
Event Stamp Academy
Location Northern Philatelic Center, 1110 Lowry Ave No. Minneapolis, MN If you want to know anything about stamps, this is the place. There is an expert on staff every Wednesday between 10:00 a.m. and noon with over 30 years of experience cataloging stamps for some of the largest dealers in the country. For those people that have a collection that was handed down and are looking for what to do with the collection, this is a great opportunity to learn about your options.
Date and Time Thursday 25, April 2024 at 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.
Sponsor Maplewood Stamp Club
Location Community of Grace Lutheran Church 4000 Linden St White Bear Lake, MN
Event Monthly Meeting

Date and Time Saturday 27, April 2024, 11:00 a.m.
Event The program for April will be a presentation by Joe Johnson on "Identifying Colors on 19th Century Stamps and Covers."
Location Northern Philatelic Center, 1110 Lowry Ave. No. Minneapolis, MN